Friday 13 March 2009

Acrylic nails: plusses and minuses

Hey there! Recently I have been receiving many questions about my nails… whether these are real or acrylic!? Well, my nails are acrylic! Just at some point I understood that I do not have much spare time in order to paint my nails, so getting artificial nails was the only option. I have had them for 4 months now and should tell you honestly that I did not have any problems with them so far (well, ok, just little ones)! However, l should admit that I have been reaaally careful with them! :)

So, let me tell you some pluses and minuses that I have experienced with my much beloved nails! To begin with, they are beautiful! Yes, just as simple as that! I receive so much pleasure when I look at my hands and this feeling is amazing. The interesting thing is that I am not the only person, who notices my well-groomed nails, but other people make compliments about them too. Secondly, you do not need to spend time on painting them if you don’t want to. Just get them done once in 3-4 weeks. Thirdly, it is so hard to grow your nails so long and with artificial nails everything is possible! Besides, if you do not like your nail shape, you can a little bit change it with acryl!

As to minuses… Chemical reactions! When the first day I got my nails done and got home, I decided to use some body lotion. Can you imagine my face, when my nails changed their color into... purple! So, be careful with that! Better to use gloves when using body creams, oils etc ! Also, forget about playing basketball or any similar games, your nails may just break and besides pain, that you will feel, you will need to spend additional money on repair, which is also painful in a way. :) You can’t sew and basically do any things that requires working with nails; they are not acute anymore! Also, no not touch acetone! Your nails will just disappear/vanish! :) The last one that comes to my mind is .. when you visit manicurist each 3-4 weeks, you need to spend 2-3 hours for your nails to be shaped, therefore it is very time consuming.

All in all, there are both pluses and minuses, but believe me you get so much pleasure every time you look at your beautiful nails!

Take care! xoxo


Gel-Nails said...

Interesting content.

Just wanted to share some information that may help busy professionals caught up with work and who have less time to maintain their nails. You can try out gel nails which are now becoming a hot favorite as they are natural looking even without nail tips and the best way for nail enhancement. Also, if you are allergic to those strong smelling chemicals which you can experience with acrylic nails, then you should use gel nails as these are odorless.

However, when you are planning on gel nail application, make sure you approach a nail salon or a nail artist who is well versed with gel nails and is properly trained and mastered in gel applications. This will save you from problems that can arise with improper gel nail applications.